Saturday, May 1, 2010


I decided to document the progress of this work :)

stage 1. I started with a ruler

stage 2.

I free handed stage 3, I regret it a little bit, because at that point there were still some bigger areas that needed value. As I discovered ruler works better for bigger areas, unless you are able to draw really straight lines without it.

stage 4. I continued to darken shadows and small areas, at this point the ruler wasn't needed.
stage 5. I tried to avoid outlining objects as much as I could. However I had to do it in several places (with smaller objects) to strengthen my drawing. Now that I look at the picture of my final version, I'm thinking of coming back and refining it a little bit and maybe making dark areas darker.

I liked this assignment a lot, because it made me think and plan and analyze what I'm doing and where I'm going. I did some cross -hatching before as a kid, but never with ink and I didn't really give it as much thought as I did now!


  1. This is a great documentation of your work, Ira. And it really shows that you spent the time to really get how this particular assignment works. Good job. You even got the stamp of approval from a "Cross Hatching Artist"!

  2. haha :) that's right! check out his blog. he is Ukrainian!

  3. I glanced at his blog today! You are just really talented at what you do, Ira! Great job, as usual. I'm gonna miss being in class with you.
