Saturday, January 23, 2010

Barcodes and Barnett Newman

So, I've just finished working on our first homework..
It took me much more time than I thought it would! :) It was interesting. At first I was trying to play with variations of patterns of lines' density and intensity, but by the 5th row I ran out of patterns.. and also realized that there's another way to do this assignment. What if I placed my sheet of paper horizontally instead of vertically?..

I read a little about Barnett Newman, an abstract painter, who did paintings with vertical lines. I wonder what was going through his mind when he was working on them...was he really putting some kind of idea in them, or was he just trying to create something unusual that everybody could interpret in their own way?..

Personally, I was thinking of zebras and piano keys as I was working on this homework >>


  1. Newman was a member of a group of artists that came to be known as "color field painters." They were trying to break down art, and specifically painting, into its most basic form. They were interested primarily in large feilds of color. Newman broke up these fields of color with the verticle bands, which he called "zips." He saw these as the replacement for human figures in his simplified work.

  2. Thank you for a comment! that's interesting to know!

  3. Christa aka ImanarretFebruary 1, 2010 at 8:45 AM

    That is a cool fact! I'm impressed that some one did a little reading about Barnett Newman instead of just looking at his work like I did. I'll have to upgrade my blog. Oh, and I think your blog is so cute and neat. Coincidentally, I called my first blog entry "Barcode Burnout." I thought about piano keys, too!
